
“Volunteer Night”

“Volunteer Night” took place on the weekend of the 17th of December at the pub “Visi Savējie”, which was an evening to celebrate the diligent contributions of The Association’s volunteers. This is a new initiative for the Foster Family Association, and it plans to repeat it every year.

The initiative was financially supported by the Riga Municipal Welbeing Department. The goal of the project is to support the social integration of foster children living in Riga, and to strengthen the resolve and celebrate the hard work of members working within Foster Family Association. It is important to regognize the dedication and hard work put forth by The Association’s many volunteers.

We are pleased, that Aina Poiša came to this event and contributed a motivational and uplifting speach. At times it is necessary to stop and reflect on one’s personal future vision and goals, and to put aside time, energy and love to appreciate oneself and other people who play important roles in our lives.

In future “Volunteer Night” events, participants will be asked to highlight and share the contributions they have given to The Association’s wellbeing. If one has a positive attitute toward oneself, then that person gan be more positive toward those around them. Thank You for your Contributions!

— December 30, 2014